Chuckle Eggs
If you’re passionate about the environment and animal welfare, you’ll be pleased to hear about our free-range Chuckle Eggs, a product range specifically designed to support hens, farmers and nature.
Chuckle Eggs are part of the Morrisons For Farmers range in store, which gives customers the opportunity to give directly back to farmers. You can find out more about the For Farmers range here.
To try Chuckle Eggs for yourself, click here to buy some.

We have a long history of working with farmers and the Bumblebee Conservation Trust to improve knowledge and create the perfect wildflower mixes to use on their land.
For every 16,000 birds, producers plant an acre of seed mix with different flower species that are known to attract pollinators. When they are in full flower, the fields are literally buzzing with bees and insects.
Chuckle Egg farmers also plant trees on their ranges so that woodland makes up a minimum of 20%. The hens love it – and so does the wildlife. It’s great for the planet too.

Supporting Farmers
Chuckle Eggs pay producers an extra 1p per egg – that’s 12p per dozen going straight back to the farmer. They are part of the For Farmers range, which enables customers to choose to support the environment, hen welfare and our farmers who look after the two.

Hen Welfare
Chuckle Egg hens are free to roam outside whenever they want. Their high welfare habitat includes woodland ranges and bee friendly flower strips. The extra money that goes back to farmers helps them maintain an environment that gives their flocks plenty of space and variety.

Chuckle Egg Farms
By working closely together, Chippindale Foods and our egg producers are helping to create wildflower meadows and woodland ranges that are good for the environment and hens. Our dedicated team works closely with producers to ensure the hens are happy and healthy and that the best quality eggs are produced on farm and transported to Chippindales.

Becoming a Chuckle Eggs Producer
Free range egg producers who join our Chuckle Egg Farm scheme designate at least one acre of wildflower creation per 16,000 birds. Richard Pearson, our head of agriculture, works in partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust to support farmers in establishing bumblebee habitats on their farms.